
How To Host A Painting Party

Drink, Laugh, and Paint with Your Friends!

By Chanin Victor - Publisher Santa Monica Macaroni Kid May 4, 2018

What could be more fun than a group of cool moms getting together and painting?  If wine is involved, pretty much nothing.

If you’re like me and you’ve always wanted to try one of those paint nights at a local art studio, where the novice artist can show up, the instructor demonstrates step-by-step instructions on how to paint, and you BYOB for fun, you can now celebrate.  Drink, Laugh, Paint: How to Host A Painting Party is a really awesome DIY kit from mom & daughter team and The Paint Bar founders Jill Kerner Schon and Jackie Schon.  They took their art studio out of the equation and they’re bringing the party to your house... or wherever you want to set up shop, maybe even a park or restaurant. With this kit, the choice and the party are yours. 

The kit explains in detail exactly how to host your own paint party at home with your closest and dearest mom friends or dad friends or whoever you want.  You could also host a paint party for charity.This kit makes everything simple enough that even MY mom could do it, which she did.

When it first arrived, I was really excited and posted about the box on my Instagram.  Almost immediately, I received texts and phone calls from so many friends saying they had seen the post and they wanted to come to a painting party; they all told me to count them in! 

Here’s exactly what’s in the kit: it comes with one full color 164-page manual in an easel-like book that fully gives step-by-step detailed instructions explaining each brushstroke necessary.  You are given the choice to create any of eight different paintings, ranging from easy to advanced.  Another booklet explains how to throw the actual painting party, including different themes and drink ideas.  There are also 16 postcard invitations to send out to your guests.


I really like the small how-to book because it goes into detail about how to use the kit. For those novice painters, it simplifies the process; if you can draw a circle and two dots and connect the dots, then fill it in with blue, then you can paint. I also appreciated the in depth description of the different types of brushes and what they are used for.This was helpful as I explained how to do the paintings to my friends.  

To be clear, the box does not have paint, easels, paintbrushes, or most importantly, a canvas to paint a masterpiece upon, you will need one for each guest.Remind your guests to wear old clothes or something they don’t mind if paint gets on them.  It can be messy.  I also recommend a table cover if you are doing the party inside. Protect your furniture and your floors.  

So with a guest list already put together, my dear, life-long, childhood friend Sophia offered to host a fun painting night at her house.  Well, not exactly, I guess I called her up and said she should host a painting party and I would be there.  But that’s what friends are for, right?  Thanks Sophia!!!

She was the ultimate party host, calling me a few days before to discuss the menu and see what she could make.  I had offered to bring everything, but my awesome friend said not to worry because she’d make a few appetizers for everyone.  She’s good like that! Everything was quickly falling into place.  

Hard to believe from conception to the day of the party was one week and it all went even better than expected.  I showed up early with some wine and cheese, but was super impressed with Sophia’s spread…she went all out on the hors d'oeuvre and lots of extra wine.  Moms like their wine and this group was no exception. Sophia’s husband took the kids to the park and dinner and all the other mom’s were sans kids as well…we ALL need “me” time and it’s okay to have some fun without the kids. Let them bond with dad for a while.   

Soon after I got to Sophia’s house, everyone arrived. We had Sandy, Ellie, Anna, Viviana, Sophia and myself.  Two other people had cancelled at the last minute, but it actually worked out better to have just the six of us.  Eight may have been too many for the small space and since it was the first time we were doing this, it was the perfect amount of people.  More wine for us!

Everything was set up except the easels I had bought.  I pulled them out of the boxes to see that they all needed to be assembled. I mean, it wasn’t IKEA level assembly, but it was a bit difficult.  We all pitched in and got it done though.  This is how the laughing started and we hadn’t even finished our first glass. 

The majority of my supplies were bought at Aaron Brothers. Turns out they were having a “Going Out Of Business” sale and I got tons of paint, brushes, and the easels at a steal.  I bought 11x17 canvases for the ladies, but you can but different sizes depending on what you want to paint.  I think the bigger canvas is easier to paint on for a party.  You should expect to spend about $50 on all the supplies though if things were not on sale.  You can definitely re-use the paintbrushes and easels for future parties.  

After a few minutes of chit-chat, drinking, and eating, we all sat down to paint.  We decided to do a French theme to go along with our French wine, and picked the Eiffel Tower as our subject matter.  This was labeled as an intermediate painting, but there are other options if you feel you’re an advanced group of Picasso-moms and would definitely need a challenge.  

I stepped in as the teacher, since I’d had some experience in that area, but in truth, we were all kind of learning as we went along.  I loved the detailed step-by-step instructions with page flips to show the progression.  It’s one thing to read what to do, but another to see the exact brushstroke.  The book is incredibly helpful.  

Just like the title of the kit, we drank, laughed, and painted for about three hours.Everyone had a great time and had Sophia’s kids not been coming home soon and the other husbands promised by their wives they’d return, we would have stayed for a much longer time.

In the end, we had six completely different interpretations of the Eiffel Tower and all of them were really great.  I loved how everyone’s style was so completely different and nobody had  tried to do that, it just happened.  I mean, art is totally subjective, but we all were impressed with each other’s artistic endeavors.  The most important thing I learned from this whole process was it doesn’t matter what the outcome is, just make your friends feel comfortable, not judged, and maybe a bit tipsy.  

We are all planning our next paint party and with eight different painting options, we can plan a few different parties with themes and drinks to go along.  Thanks so much to Sandy, Viviana, Ellie, Anna, and of course Sophia for hosting.  Special thanks to Gordon for taking the boys out of the house for a while.

I got home to find that my daughter and husband had been having their own little painting party.Someone was sad when I left with paints and wanted to do it too. Being the ever-resourceful father he is, my husband pulled out art supplies, put on a YouTube video with some kids learning how to paint and they VanGOgh’d all afternoon long.  I was surprised with some amazing paintings by my daughter, which was the sweetest thing ever.  However, the biggest surprise was my husband’s declared first attempt at painting and I was super impressed.  We now know he has a hidden talent in art.  Maybe there will be a dad’s painting party in the future…paint, joke, and drink beer party coming soon.

But that’s not all.  Later that weekend…

My parents came to visit us for a couple days and I showed them the photos and talked about the cool painting party we had with friends.  After showing my mom how simple it was to throw an event, she decided she wanted to do it too.  I gave her all my supplies, she bought some canvases, and threw a party for her friends back in Palm Springs.  Apparently, her friend Susan had always wanted to finger paint so my mom planned a surprise finger-painting party for four of her women friends. They had food and drinks, watched a lot of tennis, and spent hours working on their masterpieces.  When you’re retired, there should always be an excuse to have friends over for some fun! 

This is Brenda, Ilene, Susan and Brooke above showing off their paintings...TALENTED!

Drink, Laugh, Paint: How to Host A Painting Party was truly a hit with all ages!

I received the Drink, Laugh, Paint kit in exchange for a review, but all opinions are my own, and clearly my entire family loved this kit and book as well.  It’s a great way to spend an afternoon with friends or family.