I love having custom personalized details at our parties and around the house, and I have become a huge fan of printables. We use them for everything from flashcards to signs for our lemonade stand. It is so easy and fun to be able to create a great looking product with no design skills needed. One of our go-to spots for great FREE printables is online at Brother Creative Center. You will find a huge selection of really cool, good looking printables. They have everything a young family will use from great party decorations and crafts ideas, to flash cards, posters and games. They even have customizable templates for greeting cards, scrapbooks and calendars. I feel myself getting more organized already!
The kids at the party loved the clock with movable arms that was so easy to make, as well as all the worksheets and flashcards. I think kids are more likely to do "work" if what they are working on looks great with fun colors and graphics. I have even started carrying some of the worksheets and flashcards in my purse so when we are out at dinner or waiting somewhere we can use them and not play on my phone!
Here are some pictures from our #MKBacktoSchool Party of the kids at the Brother Creative Center Table.
Visit their website for FREE printables BROTHER CREATIVE CENTER
Brother Creative Center was a sponsor if our #MKBacktoSchool Party