Who has time to make healthy delicious meals for their family? YOU do now, with SUNDAY SET-UP. Sunday Set-up is the online club that Kathy Kaehler, healthy living advocate and celebrity personal trainer (Julia Roberts, Michele Pfeiffer and Jennifer Aniston just to name a few) created. Sunday Set-Up is a system to organize and prepare your food to fit your lifestyle, make daily meal prep less time consuming but more practical and healthy.
Being a busy working mom, Kathy knows what works and what doesn't, and came up with Sunday Setups because she needed a way to feed her family healthy meals. Like the rest of us she just wasn't able to find time to prepare a real meal at 6 o'clock after soccer practice, homework help, toy clean up…then all of a sudden everyone is hungry and “oh no!” there is nothing in the fridge! Sunday Set-up is your plan-ahead solution. When you join the Sunday Set-Up Club, you receive a weekly email from Kathy with 5 dinner recipes and a shopping list to fill your fridge, a weekly exercise plan that you can do at home on your time, and a new video from Kathy, sometimes with her fun celebrity clients (who doesn't love seeing stars in their kitchens?) and you have access to a huge catalog of healthy recipes, workouts and tips.
I have been a club member for almost two weeks now and it has made a huge difference in our lives. I was a little nervous to get started, because I don't cook and we all eat different things and even though I imagined this healthy family eating together, that was not the reality. When I talked with Kathy she was honest with me and said that it does take effort and organization, but that once you are in, it is totally doable - even with a vegetarian, a meat-eater, a boy that would like to eat only pb&j and a toddler.
The basic premise behind Sunday Set-Up is after you shop, instead of throwing all the food in the fridge (and then ordering pizza) you prep everything: wash and cut your fruit and veggies, cook some chicken, fish, tofu, rice and beans. This prep process takes between an hour-and-a-half to two hours. You might think that you don't have this time but the time it took me to do the prep has saved me so much time over the past two weeks - it makes every meal and snack so much easier, quicker and healthier to prepare. I also haven't had to make as many trips to the grocery store, which is saving us money.
Here is how the club is working for me:
- รขยฦ I get the email from Kathy with the 5 meal recipes and the shopping list to fill your fridge containers with.
(you will probably want to get all new beautiful glass containers but don't wait on this to get started)
- • I go through and look at the menus she suggests and decide what to try and what the family will eat. It is easy to make substitutions in the recipes themselves - like switching chicken to fish or green beans to carrots depending on your families taste, or to change the complete meal and go with one from the recipe library
- • Then I get the shopping list together (I love that I didn't need to buy a lot of "special" ingredients to make the meals)
- • Go shopping, feeling very smart and healthy as I cross things off the list
- • Get home and set the boys up with an activity. I know this is risky but I go for it. (All the prep doesn't have to be done in one block of time either)
- • Pre-heat oven and marinate some meats
- • Wash, dry and prep fruits and veggies - put them away in a glass container in the fridge
- • Cook meats, make rice and pasta, hard-boil eggs
- • Put everything away in the glass containers
- • Stand back and look at my beautiful refrigerator with all the colorful, healthy food all ready to be pulled out and eaten

Having everything ready to go saves me so much time, not only with the dinners that we have planned, but also with packing lunches and making snacks. My toddler is a serious eater and when he is hungry you better get him something fast! It is wonderful to be able to open the fridge and pull out healthy snacks all ready to go, no need to wash and cut.
I am also able to make every meal healthier by adding spinach to eggs in the morning, or butternut squash to sauce because it is there and ready.
I am absolutely loving the Sunday Set-Up Club and I think you will too. Believe me if I can do it anyone can. I will tell you all about the workouts next week.
Kathy is giving Macaroni Moms an amazing deal - you can join the Sunday Set-Up Club for just $29.99 for the whole year (it is normally $9.95 a month) CLICK HERE for the discount and get ready to be one of those moms that makes healthy dinners for her family! Expires 5/15/2012
Full Disclouser- Sunday Set-Up is a new Macaroni Kid sponser and we were given a free membership to Sunday Set-Ups to be able to review and write about. All the opinions are my own (you can come see my beautiful "Sunday Set-Up Fridge"