
Special offer: Save an extra 15% for REAL Parents Workshop

Only 8 Spots Left

By Sponsored Post January 12, 2017
REAL PARENTS WORKSHOP – Only 8 spots remaining
Radical | Empathetic | Authentic | Listening
Parenthood is the most magical and daunting job one will ever have. The REAL Parents workshop is for parents who want more of the magic and less guilt and regret. Making no claims about being parenting experts, the creators are both certified leadership coaches, imperfect mothers, and expert facilitators. Inspired by the work of Dr. Brené Brown, they 've designed the session needed for parenting communities everywhere--a place to examine your identity, let go of preconceived notions of what "good" parents do, and connect with like-minded--and diverse--parents who are curious about approaching parenthood with their hearts wide open.
If you’re seeking a “how to” class, you’re in the wrong place…this is an investment in yourself as the leader of your children. 

Screen Shot 2017-01-06 at 11.02.13 AM.pngThe experience that will allow you to…

Build awareness about your story around parenthood

Shift from striving to be an “ideal” parent to being the best “real” version of yourself as a parent

Identify what you need to cultivate and let go

Access tools/tactics to help you enhance or change behavior to be the parent you wish to be
The REAL Experience:
January 18 th or 20 th: One-hour virtual pre-session 
January 27 th: Workshop in Santa Monica from 1 – 5pm with optional social hour 
Within 3 months of the workshop: One hour one-on-one virtual follow-up coaching session
  $375 sale price for all events
15% off for Macaroni Kid subscribers
**Only 8 spots left**